
【Behind The Scene-2013.2.3】


The English translation follows after the Japanese text.

2013.2.3〈タウシュベツ川橋梁/The Taushubetsu Bridge〉
2013.2.3〈タウシュベツ川橋梁/The Taushubetsu Bridge〉







2013.2.3〈タウシュベツ川橋梁/The Taushubetsu Bridge〉
2013.2.3〈タウシュベツ川橋梁/The Taushubetsu Bridge〉



2013.2.3〈タウシュベツ川橋梁/The Taushubetsu Bridge〉
2013.2.3〈タウシュベツ川橋梁/The Taushubetsu Bridge〉




Twelve years ago today—February 3, 2013—I headed out onto Lake Nukabira in the middle of the night, hoping to catch the moonrise. The sky was mostly clear and full of stars, but off to the west, I could see clouds blowing in. Strong winds seemed to be pushing those clouds my way.


It’s about an hour’s walk to the Taushubetsu Bridge. With every step, snow whipped across my face. Far from dying down, the wind only got stronger.


I’d come to photograph the bridge under the starry sky. Setting up my tripod for a long exposure was tricky, since the wind nearly toppled it if I let go. Yet when I switched off my headlamp and let my eyes adjust, the whole sky lit up with stars. As the moon rose, it lit both the bridge and the lake surface—while gusts of snow swirled in the beams of light. A scene with both stars and blowing snow is so rare that I can’t imagine replicating it anytime soon.


The wind never did quit, even after sunrise. During the day, drifting snow swept across the bridge and turned the entire view ghostly white. Between the starry, stormy night and the relentless daytime wind, I realized I can handle freezing temperatures, but the added chill from these fierce winds is something I may never get used to.


I ended up enlarging some shots from this snowy night and featured them in my Tokyo exhibition later that same year, 2013.


Ryoji Iwasaki