The English translation follows after the Japanese text.
On January 12, 2016, I headed out to the Tashubetsu Bridge before the strong winds—so common after a snowfall—really picked up. At the time, I was living in Nukabira Gensenkyō, so it only took a few minutes by car to get to the Gonosawa parking area. From there, I would strap on my snowshoes and walk about two kilometers across the frozen surface of Lake Nukabira.
When snow was blowing sideways, I tried to avoid swapping camera lenses as much as possible to protect the sensor. While this limited my options, it also meant I’d plan my shots in advance and stick with a single lens, turning that small inconvenience into an opportunity to really focus.
Built in 1937, this bridge began appearing and disappearing with the changing water levels after a dam was completed in 1955—earning it the nickname “the phantom bridge.” During the winter of 2015–2016, the lake froze without submerging the structure, so we could see its arches unusually early in the season. Ironically, in recent years, it’s become more common for the bridge to remain above the waterline all winter long.
It’s been nine years since then, and I never imagined I’d still be photographing this bridge more than a hundred days each year. In the coldest months, thick ice creates fascinating bubbles, and drifting snow forms mesmerizing patterns on the surface. In other seasons, the temperature, wind, water level, and time of day all shape a different scene every visit. Maybe that’s what keeps me coming back.
Tashubetsu Bridge is a special place—somewhere that brings past and present together and sparks thoughts about the future. Despite the concrete slowly wearing down under relentless snow and wind, the bridge stands as a reminder of time’s passage and the fragility of all things. No matter how many times I press the shutter, I realize I’ll keep returning to capture its changing face.
That morning, after a brief spell of calm, the wind began sweeping down from the mountains again, wrapping the bridge in whirling snow once more.
Ryoji Iwasaki