As you know, Lake Nukabira is a mecca for wakasagi fishing.
Numerous tents were set up this morning as the open season on the lake had just begun.

I spotted a slightly strange shape on Lake Nukabira. This is known as " KINOKO-ICE," which is a winter seasonal feature of Lake Nukadaira. KINOKO means mushroom in Japanese. So it might be clearer to call it "mushroom ice".
Several conditions must be satisfied in nature for mushroom ice to be formed. Several conditions must be satisfied: stumps, thick ice, and an environment in which the water level is lowered.
Lake Nukabira is one of the few places where these conditions are well matched.
From today's photo, it is hard to believe that this is a bridge.
However, over the next month or so, the bridge will gradually appear.
Stay tuned for more information.